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Trends in retail and customer behaviour for 2021 and beyond: trust, authenticity and what will customers want in a post-COVID world

“One of the most knowledgeable and insightful people in the beauty retail space today. Wizz has so much credibility & regularly shares her valuable knowledge with energy, warmth & generosity.”

Sylvia Terry, Founder of STPR Communications

At WIZZ&CO we champion brands and retailers to stand out from the noise to attract more customers. Wizz’s varied experience means she is in a unique position to have seen hundreds of brand strategies and pitched to thousands of times. Put simply, she knows what works, helping brands combine innovation, creativity and commerciality to get results. Your ability to adapt and navigate a changing landscape is what makes or breaks your future. But we know it’s noisy out there, that’s why we’ve created the solutions you need to stay ahead of the curve.

This trend presentation focuses on consumer and retail trends and purchasing habits in a post-pandemic world, including: 

The importance of trust and authenticity with customers

  • Learn why customers are losing trust in influencers and the brands winning with social communities to create deeper connections with customers

  • Hear examples of brands successful digital experiential events and what you can implement in your business to create more brand advocates

  • Understand the importance of transparency in fashion and beauty

  • Learn the value of a content strategy and what to focus on to attract the right customer for your brand

What people will be buying and why

  • There is a huge shift to sustainability in fashion and beauty. How do you ensure your brand is seen as a part of this movement, whilst avoiding accusations of ‘greenwashing’ or being left behind? 

  • Customers want to discover the end-end story and sourcing of your products, rather than ‘just’ purchase them – find out how this can be used to increase sales 

  • We are entering an era of glamour and “the roaring ‘20s” learn what this means for the market and how your business can adapt

  • Is this the end of ‘over-consumption’: how will you make your brand count? 

Retail trends 2021 and beyond

  • Retail is not DEAD! It is an evolution, trends have just been fast-tracked! There is a massive redistribution of shopping channels, retailers and locations.

  • How retail brands are re-thinking their physical spaces. Are they are freeing their thinking and becoming more flexible? What opportunities does this movement pose for your brand? 

  • The future of retail is collaboration.

  • “omnichannel retailing” and how channels no longer matter, only the customer does.

  • With the continuing rise of market-places and curated content, how do you truly create a point of difference?

Digital Customer experience

  • The tech that is becoming mainstream from AI and AR and the rise of ‘virtual bespoke’

  • The future is the gamification of purchasing, inspired by the gaming world and is changing the expectations of a future generation of customers

  • Hear Wizz’s prediction about the future being a metaverse - a supercharged highly animated digital customer experience. 

Watch the webinar for the fast-moving trends of the past year and what their impact will be in a post-COVID world. You will hear ideas to action in your business for strategic growth to harness this shift in customer behaviour.

This is not a time to stand still!

The biggest brands rise from every recession and this pandemic will be no surprise. Is your business set up for success?

We are passionate about innovation and change, if you would like help in refining your strategy to maximise the opportunities for the explosion of the new decade please get in touch.

We advise corporate brands and retailers from strategic reviews to increase market share through to brand founders with our online education programmes. Our clients share the same values: innovation, ambition and a desire to disrupt the market, it’s not about the size of the business but their ambition. 

It’s time to embrace change. If you are thinking about it, in the words of Nike - just do it!

WIZZ&CO are skilled at compartmentalising strategy and defining key steps to success. In a very much still patriarchal natured business world, hearing the empathetic tones of Wizz Selvey and peers in her webinars gives us small businesses and female entrepreneurs both relief and encouragement to get out there and be bold.

- Sara Logie, Managing Director at Rabot Beauty

I love Wizz's presentations! They are so packed with useful information and directly applicable to the stage we are at right now as we build brand awareness. She is a knowledge bank that I am glad to have access to.

- Linda Lanyon, Co-Founder & CEO of Serendipitea

Wizz's insights and experience into how top-end retail shops and department stores work and what they look for in a new product has been a real eye-opener for me. I am now more clear about how to target and how to develop my products with these tips in mind. She makes you dream big!

- Yasmine ElGhamrawy, Founder at Yatlina